Research Highlights
Carbonate facies trends through time
Modern marine carbonates are imperfect analogs for past environments. Marine strata often contain textures that were apparently common in the past but rare today.
Part of my research focuses on interpreting these textures using process analogs in modern lakes as well as geochemical modeling of evaporitic brines. By understanding how these textures form we can interpret the key biological, physical, or chemical changes that led to their disappearance.
Stratal architecture in carbonates
Stacking patterns and geometries in shallow-water carbonates can record a variety of physical and climatic forcing. My research uses high-resolution digital elevation models to bridge the gap between outcrops, seismic, and modern carbonate shelves. I am also interested in how drowned carbonate platforms can be used to infer certain biogeochemical changes during ocean anoxic events.
Smith BP, Cantine MD, Bergmann KD, Ramos E, Martindale RC, and Kerans C. Arid coastal deposits and the Phanerozoic record of carbonate chemistry. (In press for AGU Advances). Preprint available at
Smith BP , Kerans C, and Fischer WW. A redox-based model for platform drowning at Ocean Anoxic Events. (In press for Geophysical Research Letters). DOI: 10.1029/2021GL093048
Scheller Eva L, Swindle Carl, Grotzinger John, Barnhart Holly, Bhattacharjee Surjyendu, Ehlmann Bethany L, Farley Ken, Fischer Woodward W, Greenberger Rebecca, Ingalls Miquela, Martin Peter E, Osorio-Rodriguez Daniela, and Smith BP. Formation of Magnesium Carbonates on Earth and Implications for Mars. (In press for JGR Planets). DOI: 10.1029/2021JE006828
Smith BP, Trower EJ, Inglas M, Present TM, Lingappa UF, Magyar JS, and Fischer WW. (2020) Physical Controls on Carbonate Intraclasts: Modern Flat Pebbles from Great Salt Lake, Utah. AGU Earth Surface. DOI: 10.1029/2020JF005733
Smith BP, Larson TE, Martindale RC, and Kerans C. (2020) Impacts of Restriction on Geochemistry and Extinction Patterns: A Case from the Guadalupian Delaware Basin, USA. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. DOI: 10.1016/j.epsl.2019.115876
Smith BP and Kerans C. (2018) Interpreting Stratal Architecture in Shelf-top Carbonate Systems: An Example from the Seven Rivers Formation, McKittrick Canyon, NM. Journal of Sedimentary Research 88.4 : 475-494. DOI: 10.2110/jsr.2018.20